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7 ways to make your member newsletter stand out

August 7, 2024

7 ways to make your member newsletter stand out

You know how important it is to send regular communications to your members and supporters to keep them informed and engaged, but if you’re wondering about how you can get people even more excited to hear from you, you’re in the right place.

If you’ve been leading the communications effort for your organization for a while, you’ve probably picked up on what works really well for your audience and what doesn’t. 

Maybe you noticed you get much more engagement when you send at a certain time. Or that you’re open rate is much better on the weekends. While those are both valuable pieces of data, there’s a bunch of other things you’ll want to be thinking about when you put together your next email.

The basics

Anyone new to managing communications for an organization should definitely know the basics of sending emails. And if you’ve been leading the charge for a while, it’s always good to refresh your knowledge. Before you send your next communication to your members, make sure you can tick these boxes:

Understand email regulations

If you’re not sure what CAN-SPAM is, you’ll want to read about it before you start emailing. CAN-SPAM are a set of rules laid out by the Federal Trade Commission that you must follow when sending emails. You’re probably already doing everything you’re supposed to, but it’s important to confirm you’re in compliance with the regulations.

Know your purpose

Think about your own inbox. You probably get tons of emails from family and friends, people you interact with, brands you like, your kid’s school, and groups you’re a part of. That’s a lot of information coming at you. The inboxes of the people you are sending to are no different so make sure there’s a solid purpose for your email and that your audience will find it valuable and informative.

Have a clear message

Once you’ve identified the reason to send your email, you want to make sure you’re communicating your message clearly. Make sure your subject line is a reflection of the content of the message, and craft a message that is short, sweet, and to the point, clearly explaining what you want people to know.

Include a way to take action

If there is something you want people to do after they read your email, give them a highly visible and easy way to do it. Add a button with a clear call-to-action that links to a sign-up form, donation page, article, or important information to make things as easy as possible for your audience.

Advanced class

Now that you’ve familiarized (or re-familiarized) yourself with the basics, it’s time to think more strategically about the communications you send on behalf of your organization. Going the extra mile for your audience will make all the difference when it comes to their engagement with your emails.

Consistency is key

Get your audience used to regular communications from you by sending emails on a regular schedule. Whether it’s every other Thursday, monthly on the first, or some other frequency, getting people used to seeing your emails come up in their inboxes is great for keeping them engaged. Just remember that you want to send high-value, high-quality content, so if you’re struggling to find things to talk about, you might want to dial down how frequently you send.

Align your calendar

Does your organization have a programming calendar that you use to plan your activities throughout the year? The odds are good that one exists, and it can be a fantastic resource you can lean on to build your emails. Work backwards from fundraisers, events, and other date-specific happenings to create an email calendar that:

Share the impact

Your members are a part of your organization because they believe in and support your mission. When you reach your goals, it’s their victory too. Get them super excited about what you’re doing together with content focused on the impact your organization is having within the community you serve. 

Now that you're an email communications expert, it's time to put your knowledge into action. Take charge and make your communications the must-open, must-read, inbox blockbuster that everyone loves!